Plantpots Preschool
and Playgroup
Open 9am-3pm
Term-time only

Foreign languages
Children undertake daily Spanish lessons at Plantpots as we are privileged to have a native Spanish speaker as one of our Early Years Teachers.
There is much evidence to show that children who grow up learning a foreign language - starting as early as three years old - benefit hugely.
Among the benefits are:
It is easier to learn and become more fluent in foreign languages
at a young age
Children are developmentally ready to learn a foreign language and
fluency comes fairly easily, quickly and without an accent.
Cognitive improvements
Better problem solving skills, critical thinking skills, flexibility of
mind, multi-tasking abilities, more creativity and enhanced memory
are all associated with learning a foreign language at a young age.
Higher academic achievement
Due to the cognitive improvements mentioned above, children are
therefore more likely to perform better academically. Bilingual children have been shown to have higher math skills and test scores.
Cultural awareness
Learning a foreign language can help children to have a deeper understanding or the world and different cultures around them, which inevitably enriches their own lives.

Yoga and mindfulness
While we love being busy at Plantpots, we also know how important it is to give the children
time to pause, reflect and to be peaceful. Our Yoga, Reflection and Mindfulness programme
is designed specifically for us by a Yoga instructor certified through the Complementary
Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA).
The sessions have shown to have a calming effect on the children, helping them to gain focus
and concentration during the day.