Plantpots Preschool
and Playgroup
Open 9am-3pm
Term-time only
Plantpots Playgroup rated 'good' in recent inspection
We are delighted to announce that Plantpots has received a 'Good' rating in its recent Ofsted inspection.
Inspectors found that Plantpots 'children are keen learners who are excited and highly motivated by the activities provided' due to staff building the children's interests into their planning. There is a strong emphasis on good behaviour and 'staff have high expectations of what the children can achieve'.
We are immensely proud of the hard work of staff in helping to secure this rating, and would also like to thank parents for their continual support of Plantpots. Without this, we wouldn't be the welcoming and fun place to learn, which we have been found to be.
But most of all we would like to thank the children for coming to Plantpots enthusiastic about their learning and ready to achieve.
The full Ofsted report can be found here.